Everyone's dancing their troubles away, come join our party see how we play! Oh, yes we're going to have a party! All night long, Lionel Richie Like, Love, Laugh, Like, Sad Face, Angry Face, Angry Face, Wow. Refining the algorithm of our lives, WEEKEND FRIENDS present an experience of Virtual and Immersive Reality, where a medley of media clips are presented and dancers can react to the images with the tried and tested Facebook reaction emoji array. Two dancers playing together, they can only win if they have enough synchronicitous agreement in their rapid fire reactions. Onlookers watch the dancers real time responses, so will see when you heart Hillary or sad-face Jeff Sessions. Be careful where you tread though, as your footstep could be a mis-step - you don't want to give anyone the wrong impression now do you?
Credit: Mario Gallucci