In the face of corporations being treated as people, campaign contributions determining elections, and lobbyists defining our national priorities, we will hack campaign finance and build interventions through new creative collaborations. On September 21, artists, technologists, activists, and students will join forces at Harvard's Northwest Science Building to build art interventions that fight for suffrage, condemn bribery, and celebrate the political power of expression. Visitors are invited to engage and interact with the projects online throughout the hack, and join the teams on Sunday night for a closing exhibition.
internet studies - informal ed - participatory media - middle schools (does that make sense?)
Art, the internet and everything.
City-Planner. Brooklyn based. Founder of Change Administration -- @Change_ad.
you know when your ears pop and suddenly you can hear significantly more clear? i can do that whenever i want. yes it's fun, but it becomes a responsibility.
director @thebigbadlab, organizer http://arthackday.net/big_bad_lab/, occasional blogger http://funnyandinteresting.com/, obsessed with http://artroots.info/
creative technologist building robots, apps, toys, books, and games that help us learn, tell stories, and tinker prolifically. MIT Media Lab - Personal Robots
programming, math, and music nerd. platform engineer at @CloudMine
Covering emerging markets for Dow Jones | Also live-tweeting from hackathons | @Stanford grad | created EgyptUnplugged.com to cover #Tahrir
utopian egoless frolicky fun + spontaneous social interactions @QWERTYFLIRTYFUN @HRMDirect
director @319Scholes, building platforms & communities.
creative technologist, economist. Co-Founder of @metalabharvard, @zeega
Stewing on Marketing, content, web, tech, food, health and life. Traveling the web and when possible, the world. Dir. Marketing and Communications @modxcms.
hacker / entrepreneur / founder of @betahouse / founding trustee of @awesomefound / indie music and beer snob / organizer of @angelbootcamp and @musichackdaybos
Homo urbis in circumvention. Possessor of a telencephalon and highly opposable thumbs. http://thenewinquiry.com/blogs/southsouth http://harvard.academia.edu/mmg
Artist, Bee-lancer, Soul Sister, NCAA Team Captain
I do data
Online organizer and political strategist building movements at Purpose, a perpetually relapsing journalist, and a Settlers of Catan owner.
Interests include new media evangelists & the Bible Belt in Southern Africa.
Comparative Media Studies/Civic Media @MIT (2013). Hacktivism/internet culture/infosec. Fellow @BerkmanCenter, @EFF alum. I curse a lot.
http://mixmax.com + http://arthackday.net+http://inkling.com/habitat
Likes to get plenty of sleep and stay well hydrated. Bring a towel. **Also ...http://arthackday.net ...http://captaindaylight.com
@sunlightlabs'er, @debian developer, @ubuntu member, @fluxbox hacker, and F/OSS zealot.
Hustlin' #Harvard student from NYC | @Skillshare evangelist | Living life with a bias towards action | @nataliazarina is my partner-in-crime
Designer of pipes/reactors/industrial plants/interiors/ amateur VJ and animator. Art fanatic.Music addict.Design fiend. Founding member of CEMMI.org
#momelaninmoproblems | writer; editor, @thestate_ | http://killingdenouement.tumblr.com
Check my site: www.russellhanson.com for info in more than 140 characters, always.
@thebigbadlab & @interrupt_mag, email cameronATthebigbadlabDOTcom New York
Covering emerging markets for Dow Jones | Also live-tweeting from hackathons | @Stanford grad | created EgyptUnplugged.com to cover #Tahrir
contributor @AfricasaCountry | collaborator @thestate_a.