Art Hack Day est un événement au sein du festival Sight & Sound qui décortique les processus de création artistique. Entre le 30 septembre et le 2 octobre, 40 artistes et hackers habiteront Eastern Bloc, Montréal, afin de créer une exposition éclair sur le thème Per Capita, pour explorer l’économie de partage et les modèles horizontaux collaboratifs.
Dans une perspective critique et une pratique collaborative, il s’agit de réinterpréter ces concepts pour voir s’ils sont vraiment des alternatives équitables et démocratiques. Nous encourageons les participants à poser un regard éclairé sur ces phénomènes actuels issus de l’économie du partage, à questionner ses mécanismes, ses impacts et sa place dans notre société. Est-ce que ces modèles peuvent s’investir dans un développement durable selon des valeurs partagées et pérennes? Peuvent-ils s’inscrire dans une dimension solidaire où les communautés sont réellement engagées?
Art Hack Day is an event that dissects the process of artistic creation. This event will be part of the 2016 edition of the international festival of digital art, Sight & Sound, whose theme, Per Capita, explores the sharing economy and other collaborative horizontal models. Between September 30th and October 2nd, 40 artists and hackers will inhabit Eastern Bloc, Montreal, to create a flash exhibition around the theme of the sharing economy.
From a critical perspective and through collaborative practice, this flash exhibition aims to reinterpret the complexity of these challenges by focusing on the practices of 'do-it-yourself’ and ‘do-it- together’, which are located at the intersection of art, technology and science. By cultivating risk taking and experimentation we encourage participants to take an informed look at these current phenomena from the economy of sharing, questioning its mechanisms, its impact and its place in our society. Are sharing economy models truly fair and democratic alternatives? Can these models invest in sustainable development according to shared and enduring values? Can they be part of a solidarity dimension where communities are really engaged?
ses installations en art numérique interrogent la question d'agencements et l'impact de la matérialité dans la génération de formes dynamiques, accidentelles et éphémères
Video/Performance Artist Grad student at NYU-ITP Interactive telecommunications program. Co-Founder of @StupidHackathon
performance, new media, and installation
transdisciplinary researcher, dancer and multimedia artist interested in the political, epistemic and poetic aspects of collaborative platforms and participative devices
multi-disciplinary artist, a hermitic luddite who loves robots. drawings, broken robots, bacterial dreams, and new legs for grandma
vj, public spaces
Machine Learning UX Researcher @IBMWatson | Artist | Digital Anthropologist | Instigator. @ITP_NYU @nycresistor @facetscon. Views are my own, not my employer's.
hardware and software nerd, nerd nerd and music nerd
sound artist, works with radio & wearables
Freelance Technologist
Python programmer, lab member, fabrication
Spinster and Media Mogul in training. Currently, Mozillian via GNOME Outreach Program for Women.
film, video
Nataliya Petkova works with electronic and sound art, coding, performance and video
Canadian computer music composer
sound artist, musician
Electroacoutic artist, great with fabrication, & electronics in general
works at a fablab so very diverseprocessing, blender, 3D printing, etc, etc, etc
Brings old technology to life. Il s'amuse avec des “games engines”, processing et l'électronique afin de créer du matériel visuel et/ou tangible pour accompagner ses expérimentations narratives
http://bit.ly/QqZjb5 ~~ http://bit.ly/zNcIxa ~~ http://bit.ly/GDgczx
networked art. artist, designer, and researcher interested in the complicated relationship between technology and society
Art + Wearables. Cofounder of Recurse Center, ITP Alumn
Co-founder, Ibrida*Pluri Festival, groop*index.
I did my PhD research on RNA Bioinformatics, and also went to Hackerschool in New York.
sound artist, works with radio & wearables
biomaterials. body + tech. artist/researcher, educator and writer
Writer, independent curator, scholar, radio journalist, president @EasternBlocMtl _aka Esther B plays turntables, and records soundscapes.
Eastern Bloc Co-Director / Lab Director
@arthackday + @cryptoparty NYC co-organizer. Former @heatsynclabs cat herder and wordsmith now at @nycresistor. Party hat hacker.
bit wizard
http://mixmax.com + http://arthackday.net + http://habitat.inkling.com
Likes to get plenty of sleep and stay well hydrated. Bring a towel. **Also ...http://arthackday.net ...http://captaindaylight.com