Art Hack Day "Hackers as Artists" is dedicated to cracking open the process of art-making, with special reverence toward open-source technologies. Between January 26 - January 28, artists and collaborators will inhabit 319 Scholes to create and explore the participatory nature of technology, bringing together hackers whose medium is art and artists whose medium is technology. The event will be streamed to online audiences, who will be encouraged to participate through various platforms to be listed soon on the ArtHackDay.net website. Visitors are invited to engage and interact with the projects online throughout the hack, as well as join the teams on Saturday night for a closing exhibition, live performances, and a massive party.
Senior Fellow at Eyebeam Art + Technology Center, creating with code and tweeting it back to YOU
hackNY fellow. rutgers philosophy. i build things.
Creator of CV Dazzle: camouflage from face detection & Camoflash: anti-paparazzi clutch.
Creator of CV Dazzle: camouflage from face detection & Camoflash: anti-paparazzi clutch.
tall dancing nerd, developer at @JuxDotCom, organizer of Hacker Hours, creator of http://mustachify.me
Python, Django, 日本語, Ebbinghaus. I'm a developer at http://canv.as
Python, Django, 日本語, Ebbinghaus. I'm a developer at http://canv.as
Poet ✓ Artist ✓ Programmer ✓ ||| live visuals for @whoisMGMT ✓
I make things.
http://mndhl.org | http://hypem.com
Jeune fille qui déteste les flip-flops CoFounder & CMO of Fashism.com
artist/nerd/busy person, Director of The Active Space studios/gallery in Brooklyn NY.
Neon God, Rainbow Prince.
Professional computer user. Co-founder, @VHXTV, WatchRadio.tv. Creator, @StarWarsUncut. Vimeo and Boxee alum.
@Uber Engineer; Canadian; Quiet; Decent; Minimalist. Interests: music, coffee, film, dark chocolate, quality journalism, wave equations. Patron of good times.
I'm a sound artist living in San Francisco. I'm finding that my life is getting better all the time. I also curate and direct the public programming @GAFFTA.
I do things, write code, and make art.
@arthackday co-organizer, @cryptoparty NYC organizer and Hayst.ac founder. Former @heatsynclabs cat herder and wordsmith.
Designer at http://canv.as. Interested in web design, javascript, Brooklyn parties, and games.
Computer Science Arts. Too school for cool.
An interaction designer who does design, art direction, programming and research for interactive media, products, installations, and spaces
Founder SoundCloud + Artist @forssmusic
A music tech researcher, phonographer, [pretend] media artist, and general audiophile, at Sourcetone teaching computers to identify emotion in music.
rhymes with feather, leather, weather, and whether or not
director @319Scholes, building platforms & communities.
¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯ :: American computer programmer. Cofounder @VHXTV, @KnowYourMeme, @FFFFFAT
never gonna give you app
bit wizard
art and code and stuff. co-founder @okfocus.
art and code and stuff. co-founder @okfocus.
I'm a co-founder at Spontaneously, where I wear many non-literal hats! Most of them are design related.
Purveyor of fine APIs for Etsy.com. Lover of photography and gin.
Monetizing Synergies
Making things with design + technology.
Listen; there's a hell of a good universe next door: let's go.
Monkeymen.tv is a directors/animators collective from Berlin, Germany.
Founder of 4chan and Canvas. Exploding knees.
Original GIFs since 2011.
product manager w/ Canvas
Nova is an artist interested in play, participation, open systems and drawing connections between different fields of cultural production.
Destructive Process & Leveraged Limitations ░ Founder @8bitpeoples ░ Curator @BlipFestival ░ Contributor @Computers_Club & @PhoneArts ░ Alumni @ITP_NYU ▊▊ ▍▎▏
http://mixmax.com + http://arthackday.net+http://inkling.com/habitat
Likes to get plenty of sleep and stay well hydrated. Bring a towel. **Also ...http://arthackday.net ...http://captaindaylight.com
Robots, cats, pizza.
Just your average self-produced superhero.
a musical project which conducts sonic experiments using custom computer hardware and software.
breading - b = reading
i'm a wooly pixel.
persona is property
Poetect Imperator
Theodore Watson is an interactive installation specialist and developer of the openFrameworks toolkit. He is co-founder of studios Design I/O and YesYesNo.
CTO at Canv.as. Popularized Continuous Deployment. Formerly SF, now in NYC. Big into indie/art games.
Truth leak
@arthackday + @cryptoparty NYC co-organizer. Former @heatsynclabs cat herder and wordsmith now at @nycresistor. Party hat hacker. PGP: 0xAE09F328
director @319scholes building @myblocknyc brooklyn
Curator exploring how the Internet is shaping art and culture. Curatorial Director @319scholes, alum @EyebeamNYC · NY · lindsayhoward.net
arthackday.net + http://inkling.com/habitat
Likes to get plenty of sleep and stay well hydrated. Bring a towel. **Also ...http://arthackday.net ...http://captaindaylight.com
science, art, constructive criticism // works @sloan_kettering @boilerroomtv // contributes @dazedmagazine @rhizome · NY · hxrts.com