The increased severity and frequency of extreme weather events, including recent years’ tropical storm systems, droughts and heat waves, are largely the result of human-induced climate change. In addition to widespread damage across the Atlantic seaside, Sandy’s flooding in New York’s Zone A confronted many artists and galleries directly with the reality of their environment, bringing undeniable gravity to a crisis that often seems distant. Decades of postponement and self-deceit will have to come to a close. But what comes next?
As artists and hackers, less constrained by the limitations of institutional science - what is our place and purpose within this shift? The deluge is not merely literal: we are awash in technology that threatens to subsume us. As creators of software and ideas, can we weave data into compelling narratives? As creators of material objects, can we modify our existing fabrication methods in a way that is not detrimental – perhaps even beneficial – to our environment and ultimately ourselves? Can we explore novel engagements and collaborations with nature itself?
Digitized monkey brain
Multidisciplinary artist and designer exploring the field of interaction and visual communication
Video/Performance Artist Grad student at NYU-ITP Interactive telecommunications program. Co-Founder of @StupidHackathon
Poet ✓ Artist ✓ Programmer ✓ ||| live visuals for @whoisMGMT ✓
I'm a creative technologist. Besides coding, I'm interested in cooking, DIY, and comic books. Web developer @brooklynmuseum
hopelessly addicted to music, the internet, and chocolate
She creates experiences, design and writing centered around new technology. Her work explores the fusion of cutting edge mediums and meaningful human experience.
DataVis @BBGVisualData / DIY Biology @Genspace / Co-Founder @livingwallsatl
Visuals_Music_Code_Art_Tech_People_Infinite - Lead Creative Tech at fakelove.tv
Located at the intersection of design and technology, Bradley Rothenberg is focused on making 3D printed textiles, jewelry and accessories a viable and accessible reality.
Senior Hot Sauce Taster @bocoup; bass @EasternHollows; organizer @brooklyn_js; mentor @nodeschool. Social justice skeleton. He/him
director @thebigbadlab, organizer http://arthackday.net/big_bad_lab/, occasional blogger http://funnyandinteresting.com/, obsessed with http://artroots.info/
hardware and software nerd, nerd nerd and music nerd
Adjunct - BMCC, CCNY, NYU Freelance: DSI, Eric Slayton Visiting Artist: Brooklyn Art Space
@newyorker tech, @occupy_here, @everyhexcolor, @farchaeology, married to collaborator @eirons. Not actually a magic taxidermied fox.
Kool ranch
professional reddit connoisseur. batchling at @hackerschool
@arthackday co-organizer, @cryptoparty NYC organizer and Hayst.ac founder. Former @heatsynclabs cat herder and wordsmith.
Creative nerd. Secret rockstar. Day dreamer and amateur telephone operator. I make Mac software and sometimes art @VIDVOX.
Nomadic gnome with pituitary gland issues and a talent for UI development.
An interaction designer who does design, art direction, programming and research for interactive media, products, installations, and spaces
interdisciplinary artist exploring the interplay of humanity and ecology through drawings, environmental sculpture, and electronic media
artist and designer working at the intersections of research, data, science, sustainability and design
director @319Scholes, building platforms & communities.
Design @HuffingtonPost, #robot hacker, former @Eyebeam resident, 还喜欢中国文化, distance running
examining biological computing principles
Data, Design, Development, & Bikes. Currently doing the first three with Bloomberg Graphics @BBGVisualData.
Spinster and Media Mogul in training. Currently, Mozillian via GNOME Outreach Program for Women.
Artist, programmer, designer, internet friend. Honorary fellow @eyebeamnyc // Creative technologist @wearesubrosa
Artist, Designer, Director at Flightphase
making interactive / public / internet art . developer advocate + product @embedly . co-founder @NewPublicArt . trustee @awesomebos . cultivate collective joy
I make video games, sometimes with wool. Most recently released http://t.co/vNUKH9Xn
3D Modeler specializing in preparing files from idea to physical prototype
creativecoding.xyz , http://futurebeats.com , http://futurepop.co , http://futurology.net
Writer/Designer. Dir of Community & Support @ Adafruit. Writing book on design & modeling for 3D Printing
Hi, I'm Max Henstell. I'm a Hardware/Software Engineer currently living in Brooklyn. I like to collaborate on fun projects and I occasionally dabble in art and interactive installations.
Creative Coder // Interaction Designer Currently studying @ITP_NYU.
A research-based artist investigating the implications of change: socio-technical, ecological, and historical.
Co-Founder: Curious, Inc. (@wearecurious) and Co-Director: @bronxartspace. Until Recently: Principal Architect, http://DonorsChoose.org
Likes to get plenty of sleep and stay well hydrated. Bring a towel. **Also ...http://arthackday.net ...http://captaindaylight.com
http://www.glitchtextiles.com/ , http://yearoftheglitch.tumblr.com/
artist, researcher, @ITP_NYU alum & adjunct, spaz supreme. using code, data, and language to explore subconscious patterns in our behavior.
scientist, publisher, artist
student at @ITP_NYU, contributing editor @newinquiry, contributor @p5xjs, founder of @stupidhackathon
data art + design + sometimes robots too
babies are artists because they don't have jobs
persona is property
Packets hoarder.ITP.Bell Labs Co-creator @thepowerclip
artist, enviro engineer. Thinking about speculative engineering, data, ecology & computation. @sfpc_school @SUNY_Purchase
NYC based guitarist, artist, and programmer from Los Angeles, CA. Multi-channel sound, video, improvisations with guitar and custom software.
Sculptor, Paper Engineer, Fabricator, Math Lover, Interaction Designer.
@arthackday + @cryptoparty NYC co-organizer. Former @heatsynclabs cat herder and wordsmith now at @nycresistor. Party hat hacker.
Director of Education at PioneerWorks.
bit wizard
http://mixmax.com + http://arthackday.net + http://habitat.inkling.com
Likes to get plenty of sleep and stay well hydrated. Bring a towel. **Also ...http://arthackday.net ...http://captaindaylight.com
nerd who work at museum