"Afterglow" is a collaboration between Art Hack Day, LEAP Berlin and transmediale.
As coders we fear the ‘legacy’ system, a piece of old junk we haven’t yet figured out how to throw away. As artists, we’re tempted by prolific outbursts of freshness and novelty; more art of less value. Businesses and government crave more data, more connections, more context. By embracing these impulses without contemplation we perpetuate the technological hype cycle and unintentionally shorten the half-life of our artefacts. Technology has become akin to a natural resource, generating physical and immaterial waste that is appropriated in such diverse contexts as e-garbage dumps, big data businesses and mass surveillance schemes. As such, trash is no longer what is just left behind but is central to our post-digital lives. When digital detritus piles up it decomposes, giving rise to a post-digital afterglow with the potential for new expression and new enterprise. Can we make peace with our excessive data flows and their inevitable obsolescence? Can we find nourishment in waste, overflow and excess? Can the afterglow of perpetual decay illuminate us?
part time artist http://okikata.org/ almost internet
just stating the obvious...
Andreas Nicolas Fischer. Making things that make art.
Art, the internet and everything.
media artist/designer reflecting upon 'the order of things'. thinking in aphorisms.
Post-Doc | Expressive Interaction, Motion, Sound, Music, Machine Learning | Program Chair of #NIME2014 http://www.nime2014.org | Goldsmiths, University of London
new media audio visual artist, http://g4t.info , http://telekommunisten.net seoul berlin montreal
Hardware hacking and recycling strategies in an age of technological obsolescence. #recyclism #uglitch #ParsonsParis
portland, or
sound : art : research
simple in, complex out. Copenhagen · SixthSensor.dk
OpenGovData & Local Group Network community manager for @OKFN. Disruptive technology geek, project bootstrapper, #OpenData advocate & electronic music buff.
Critical Engineer considers the exploit to be the most desirable form of exposure - http://criticalengineering.org · Intergalactic TCP/IP networks · danjavasiliev.com
@arthackday co-organizer, @cryptoparty NYC organizer and Hayst.ac founder. Former @heatsynclabs cat herder and wordsmith.
Dennis P Paul is an interaction designer, holds a professorship for "Interaktion und Raum" at HfK Bremen, and is co-founder of the design studio "The Product".
Venture Communist. Miscommunications Technologist. Telekommunisten Polemicist.
i love art & the internet & your mom & kebabs & dance parties @NetArtVomit
cata histórias pela vida a fora mundo
sound artist
http://meemoo.org/ hackable creative web apps. @eyebeamnyc and @mozilla Open(Art) Fellow. Web ∞.0.
director @319Scholes, building platforms & communities.
404 - bio not available
Nigerian performance artist, sculptor and video artist.
Famous New Media Artist from Toronto
berlin-based nerd | @musichackday enthusiast | ex-@soundcloud dev | dj/musician at @diskodna
Interface Artist, UX Pro, etc.
Digital artist, Parsons DT faculty, technology and art writer, researcher on networked interventions, workshop leader on hacking recycling, and pervasive media
Critical Engineer. Artist. Teacher. PGP 0xB6E9FD9A Berlin, some of the time
Artist, programmer, designer, internet friend. Honorary fellow @eyebeamnyc // Creative technologist @wearesubrosa
making interactive / public / internet art . developer advocate + product @embedly . co-founder @NewPublicArt . trustee @awesomebos . cultivate collective joy
exonemoメンバー/IDPW正会員/nuuo inc.共同設立者/インターネットヤミ市実行委員/アーティスト/プログラマ/Tech Dir/コンセプト/スケーター/ @exonemo @exonemo_en @_IDPW_ → http://sembo.jp
code queen @hacker_ship | queer feminist geek | evercurious activist Berlin ·
Artist and Programmer being obsessed with the new. Studying, member of VisualBerlin and working at Onformative.
New Media & Sonic artist | Performer | Teacher | Xth Sense Creator | Director @LivePerformers | CTE Fellow @Harvestworks | Biomedia, FLOSS, Pd, Linux.
Itinerant Hacker
Thinking like a #cat since 1975 - day & night. All views expressed or distributed are sister of 0phelias ~
I am interested in art/sound/electronics/computers/machines/open source/philosophy/spirituality/food and drink/music/joy
Likes to get plenty of sleep and stay well hydrated. Bring a towel. **Also ...http://arthackday.net ...http://captaindaylight.com
Technologist, Interaction Designer, Programmer
irrational solutions with old and new media | http://www.rlfbckr.org | http://rlfbckr.tumblr.com
Information Gladly Given, But Safety Requires Avoiding Trailing Whitespace • iOS Dev • Ex-@SoundCloud
http://bit.ly/QqZjb5 ~~ http://bit.ly/zNcIxa ~~ http://bit.ly/GDgczx
ウェッブ周辺。 webdesign & netart, semiserif, cooked.jp, http://flapper3.com , http://cbc-net.com , http://IDPW.org
LEAP is a project by Daniel Franke, Kai Kreuzmüller and John McKiernan.
@arthackday + @cryptoparty NYC co-organizer. Former @heatsynclabs cat herder and wordsmith now at @nycresistor. Party hat hacker. PGP: 0xAE09F328
Project Manager, transmediale.
LEAP is a project by Daniel Franke, Kai Kreuzmüller and John McKiernan.
LEAP is a project by Daniel Franke, Kai Kreuzmüller and John McKiernan.
Artistic Director, transmediale.
arthackday.net + http://inkling.com/habitat
Likes to get plenty of sleep and stay well hydrated. Bring a towel. **Also ...http://arthackday.net ...http://captaindaylight.com